The BED Post

The Binge Eating Disorder Recovery blog

Category: weight stigma

  • Dump The Scales Speech

    Yesterday, 27th April 2024, I had the honour of speaking at the #DumpTheScales march in London. For those who couldn’t attend (or hear over the helicopter above our heads), here is my speech. I lived with an eating disorder for over 40 years, mostly binge eating disorder, or BED. I think I first binged around…

  • That time when I was fit and healthy

    There’s a secret I’ve been keeping since my twenties. A particular time when my ED voice was at its loudest. It’s this time I go back to whenever I question whether having an ED was really so bad, or whether I was ever really ill at all. In this blog, I am sharing it for…

  • A fortnight of fatphobia

    These last couple of weeks the anti-ob***y rhetoric seems to have hit an all time high. First the UK Government announced it’s going to start weighing children in school. Then a group of dentists in New Zealand published a highly suspect study about their miraculous new device designed to keep fat peoples jaws’ closed. Both…

  • Fat Girl Thin Then Fat Again

    There’s no point denying it. I am fat, obese, curvy, plus size, or however else you want to phrase it. I have used disordered eating as a way to control my emotions and deal with stuff for nearly 40 years. For nearly 30 of those I was told by medical professionals to go on a…

  • O***y Day, weight stigma, and triggers

    O***y Day, weight stigma, and triggers

    Content warning: eating disorder and intrusive thoughts. I’m going to start by saying how grateful and happy I am to have found the online ED recovery community. I have learned so much from being a part of it, and have been at times overwhelmed by the welcome and support I have received. However, there have…

  • Feeling fat

    Feeling fat

    What feeling “fat” meant for me when I had an eating disorder: 1/ I felt physically bloated because: 2/ I was feeling ashamed, guilty and hating myself because I’d binged, purged or both, and was taking it out on my body. 3/ I was struggling to deal with difficult emotions completely unrelated to my eating…

  • If…


    If eight year-old me, Fat, alone, sad, and scared, Had been thin and restricting, Would somebody have cared? If eighteen year-old me, Away from home that first time, Had lost weight and not gained it, Would they have noticed the signs? If twenty-eight year-old me, Purging regularly, Had lost even more weight, Would they have…

  • Fury, fibromyalgia, and the big fat Twitter storm

    Fury, fibromyalgia, and the big fat Twitter storm

    Fury I woke this morning from a dream where I was manhandling a doctor who had looked at my body and laughed when I told him I had had an eating disorder. Screaming in his thin, male face, I grabbed him by his collar and wanted to smash the back of his head against a…