The BED Post

The Binge Eating Disorder Recovery blog

  • Well, this is a lot!

    Well, this is a lot!

    After two years of lockdowns, isolation, boredom, and self-reflection, it suddenly feels like someone’s pressed the fast forward button on my life. As if I’ve gone from zero to 100 overnight. So many amazing things have happened over the last few weeks! I’ve got a new job. The Instagram and Twitter accounts are doing better…

  • The Day the Music Died

    The Day the Music Died

    TW: eating disorder feelings and behaviours. I met him one drunken night in my favourite bar. He was there to play a short acoustic set and afterwards, we got chatting. About music, life, the usual drunken things. I gave him my number and a few days later, he called and asked me out. Not long…

  • Avoidance


    It’s been a few weeks since I last wrote a post. I’d convinced myself that I’ve been too busy. And it’s true, a lot has happened since I visited my parents. I’ve started a new job, which has meant a lot of new things to learn. I’ve started physiotherapy, and been diagnosed with fibromylagia. I…

  • Eating as an act of rebellion (or you can’t smash the patriarchy on an empty stomach)

    Eating as an act of rebellion (or you can’t smash the patriarchy on an empty stomach)

    My food intake was controlled as a child. It wasn’t as simple as being a chubby kid who’d been put on a diet. There was more to it than that. There always is. There were times when money was tight, and food had to be stretched to the next pay day. I was apparently a…

  • Not ill enough?

    Not ill enough?

    One eating disorder symptom, which isn’t talked about enough, is the belief that you’re not really ill, and definitely not ill enough to get treatment. And for many, including myself, the belief that you don’t deserve treatment, that you don’t deserve more than this existence, the half-life that comes with an eating disorder. Even now,…

  • Feeling fat

    Feeling fat

    What feeling “fat” meant for me when I had an eating disorder: 1/ I felt physically bloated because: 2/ I was feeling ashamed, guilty and hating myself because I’d binged, purged or both, and was taking it out on my body. 3/ I was struggling to deal with difficult emotions completely unrelated to my eating…

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Welcome to the BED Post!

This site and its contents are based on 4 decades of lived experience with an eating disorder, and the long and difficult journey to recovery.

Here at the BED Post, we welcome anyone wanting to know more about Binge Eating Disorder and eating disorders in bigger bodies. People with higher BMI make up the vast majority of eating disorder sufferers, in direct contradiction to the image portrayed by the mainstream media.

We aim to support and advocate for this majority, raise awareness, and challenge the weight stigma faced by those suffering from an eating disorder in a bigger body.

And last, but by no means least, we want to bring hope that eating disorder recovery is possible. Because with the right treatment and support, it truly is.


Blogger and eating disorder campaigner